So, you’re a provider in the Insurance space?
Great! Good to see you – if we aren’t already, we should definitely be working together. RoadHow exists to help you guys to effectively make more money by helping drivers to be safer on the road so that you have less to pay out on claims. We’re also great for customer engagement, brand loyalty and marketing. There are a number of ways we can help, with data at the heart of everything we do.
Because RoadHow is an app-based AI data solution for drivers and Insurance providers, the data we output is a game-changer.
Profile skills and knowledge
RoadHow is a BIG DATA SaaS platform that profiles driving skills, knowledge and experience via a mobile app.
Incentivise drivers
Drivers are incentivised to continuously invest in their driving knowledge and skill.
Real-time AI and ML
As a full AI platform, RoadHow offers real-time data access at a frequency to suit you.
Continual driver investment
Drivers will be able to receive commercial incentives to continue to invest in their driving capability.
Visibility for you
Insurance providers will have full visibility of driver data, allowing you to personalise offers to attract, acquire and retain customers.
Better drivers = lower loss ratios

RoadHow has conducted extensive analysis of where the app has potential to improve driving standards in customer segments and thereby reduce accidents.

A study by Brunel University found advanced drivers who had successfully completed additional training were nearly 70% better in all aspects of their driving – from steering to judging distances and speed. Earlier research by Britain's Transport Research Laboratory concluded that drivers are less likely to crash if they have reached a measurable higher driving standard.

While we are not suggesting RoadHow is directly comparable to an advanced driving qualification, it builds on the same foundations and, furthermore, is much more accessible, with instantaneous feedback.

In a similar vein, Defensive Driving programmes, focused on similar training routines as RoadHow, are utilised extensively in the US. These are linked to insurer discounts upon successful completion.
Smarter customer engagement = tangible benefits

Engagement helps to cultivate and strengthen customer-brand relationships. The more attached customers feel towards a particular brand, the less likely they are to switch provider.

Engaged customers will go out of their way to stay with their provider because of the additional value provided with the result that an increased proportion will look beyond the insurance premium.

If they like what you do, they’ll talk about it. They’ll recommend your product. Nothing is more powerful nor authentic than a peer referral. This will lead to improved conversion as customers (for instance) look beyond the price on PCWs.
Providing added value = brand loyalty

Tangible customer engagement benefits

It’s notoriously difficult for insurers to maintain an on-going dialogue with their customers. RoadHow can help to make regular engagement far less challenging by providing an active channel to help insurers reach their customers easily.

Through an insurer branded RoadHow product, your brand is regularly reinforced to the customer on a personalised basis.

The RoadHow AI is continuously adjusting and bespoking the training and questions presented to the customer. Personalised content makes consumers feel valued and special, as opposed to just another anonymous datapoint.

According to Epsilon Marketing, 80% of customers are more inclined to do business with companies that provide personalised experiences.